TargeCARES is a program operated

by Targe Innovations Inc.

In 2005 Jeff & Dawna Christy incorporated Targe Innovations in order to build team sport opportunities for blind children and serve the international goalball community as a whole..

Combined, Dawna and Jeff have 50 years experience —with all levels and aspects of goalball:

recreational player

Paralympic athlete


event organiser

international referee



Paralympic product category innovator

equipment manufacturer

and all-round fans of what the sport, is capable of.

Dawna and Jeff have done it all and continue

to love the reasons they started in the first place.

TargeCARES allows Dawna and Jeff to help the two communities which are closest to their hearts: goalball and entrepreneurship.

🏆 Goalball community which starts out to show blind children what they can do before they grow into strong young people and show you what they can do.

👔 Businesses run by entrepreneurs that conceive of a way to serve their demographic better than anyone else and grow into an integral part of that community.

Away from their manufacturing and distribution business, Dawna and Jeff have a passion for music, sharing a great meal with friends and their conditionally cuddly German Shepherd Fitzriddick.

Together, let’s make 2023 a great year for Paralympic sports, our communities and local businesses of all sizes.