Businesses Helping

Communities helping Businesses

The uncertainty of the past two years has presented us

with a rare WIN WIN scenario capable of pulling us all through to a bright future.

The TargeCARES program is focused on helping the following groups in our communities:

Nationwide businesses big & small who retained employees through the past two years

Disability sports groups who had to cease their programs which build strong young minds and bodies

Institutions advancing the education of children with physical disabilities who rarely have the funds required for the simple rights to accessible aids to learning

Service clubs supporting local communities with their tireless work and ongoing programs

the TargeCARES program

puts money back in the hands of local businesses in the form of IRS grants

puts Specialized Paralympic sports equipment in the hands of disability sports groups

puts prepaid gift cards for gas and grocery in the hands of service clubs who help our communities make ends meet

puts accessible computer software in the hands of students with disabilities focused on making their futures bright

And the best part...

All this without any of these groups reaching into their pockets.


Maybe 3 years ago, but not today.

Since 2005, Targe Innovations Inc

has been serving:

Paralympic & blind sports with goalball equipment

Professional & high performance sports programs with portable ice water immersion therapy equipment

Today, in 2023...

with the assistance of a strategic partner and key suppliers,

Targe announces a program that certainly WON’T ease the pain and struggle of the past two years but promises to help us all propel forward into a bright future.

TargeCARES truly lives up to the headline at the top of this page…

Businesses Helping

Communities Helping Businesses

Contact us for more information on getting involved in the program

and making a difference to your favourite group and your entire community.